On February 18, 2022, we delivered four (4) new utility vehicles to the customer GOSPODARENJE OTPADOM SISAK d.o.o.

It is a joint delivery of two different items of procurement and financing, namely:

  1. Delivery of municipal vehicle for separate waste collection (Municipal vehicle with container trailer and crane).
    It is a tractor with a crane mounted on the chassis. The tractor is a product of the Austrian company STUMMER, while the tractor is HIAB (installed in the company Hidraulika Kurelja d.o.o.), and everything is mounted on a MAN chassis.

Since this is a vehicle with multiple functions, we believe that the same will help the company GOS d.o.o. in improving the quality of service and increasing the scope of work.

2. Procurement of municipal vehicles procured on the basis of the Post-Earthquake Waste Management Implementation Plan
In this, the first phase of delivery, three vehicles were delivered, as follows:

Two municipal vehicles with pressure plate and
Tipper with crane

Two municipal vehicles with pressure plate are STUMMER brands, volume 22 m3, with lifters for containers 5-7 m3, mounted on MAN chassis

The tipper with a crane was manufactured in cooperation with the company Hidraulika Kurelja d.o.o .. The crane is within 9.3 meters, and will certainly serve GOS d.o.o. in the day-to-day business of collecting and transporting various types of waste.

All four (4) vehicles were procured with the help of the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund.

An additional three utility vehicles are expected to be delivered in April.

For more information on STUMMER upgrades, contact:

Ante Žaper: mob: 091 6157 782; mail: ante.zaper@o-k-teh.hr

Hrvoje Rogić: mob: 099 3121 916; mail: hrvoje.rogic@o-k-teh.hr

Mario Stoilov: mob: 091 6157 778; mail: mario.stoilov@o-k-teh.hr

Franjo Bertić: mob: 091 2175 086; mail: franjo.bertic@o-k-teh.hr